2023 Super TET Syllabus and Updated Exam Pattern

• Review the Syllabus: Candidates are recommended to check the Super TET syllabus before starting their exam preparation. The syllabus includes 11 sections, and it’s crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of each subject to score well in the exam.
• Exam Details: The Super TET exam consists of 150 objective questions, and candidates have a total of 2.5 hours to complete the test.
• Certification: Candidates who qualify the Super TET exam will receive certification as recognition of their achievement.
SubjectsMaximum Marks
Language :-Hindi, English & Sanskrit 40
 Science 10
 Maths 20
 Environment & Social Study 10
 Teaching Methodology 10
 Child Psychology 10
 General Knowledge /Current Affairs 30
 Logical Reasoning 05
 Information Technology 05
 Life Skills/Management and Aptitude 10
 Total 150

Super TET Syllabus 2023 Subject Wise

Candidates are strongly advised to review the Super TET 2023 syllabus in advance of their exam. The official release of the SUPER TET Syllabus PDF is imminent. Below, we present the comprehensive and up-to-date Super TET syllabus for the 2023 Exam.”

UP Super TET Syllabus 2023: Languages

Super TET Syllabus: Hindi, English, Urdu & Sanskrit

• Grammar and Comprehension (English/Hindi/Urdu)
• व्याकरण (Grammar)
• अपठित गद्यांश (Unseen Passages)
• पद्यांश (Poetry)

Super TET SYLLABUS 2023:General Hindi

  • अलंकार, समास,
  • विलोम,
  • पर्यायवाची,
  • रस,
  • संधियां,
  • तद्भव तत्सम,
  • लोकोक्तियाँ,
  • मुहावरे,
  • वाक्यांशों के लिए एक शब्द,
  • अनेकार्थी शब्द वाक्य संशोधन -लिंग, वचन, कारक, काल, वर्तनी, त्रुटि से सम्बंधित.

Super TET SYLLABUS 2023: General English

• Active Voice and Passive Voice
• Parts of Speech
• Transformation of Sentences
• Direct and Indirect Speech
• Punctuation and Spellings
• Words Meanings
• Vocabulary & Usage
• Idioms and Phrases
• Fill in the Blanks

Syllabus UP Super TET 2023 : Science (विज्ञान )

• दैनिक जीवन में विज्ञान
• गति शक्ति
• ऊर्जा
• प्रकाश
• ध्वनि
• प्राणियों की दुनिया
• मानव शरीर
• स्वास्थ्य
• आहार और पोषण
• पर्यावरण और प्राकृतिक संसाधन
• पदार्थ और पदार्थ की दशा
• पदार्थ की स्थिति
• Science in Daily Life
• Speed and Force
• Energy
• Light
• Sound
• World of Creatures
• Human Body
• Health
• Food and Nutrition
• Environment & Natural Resources
• Stages of Matter and Substance
• State of Matter

UP Super TET Syllabus 2023: Mathematics (गणित)

• संख्यात्मक क्षमता
• गणितीय क्रियाएँ
• दशमलव
• भिन्नीकरण
• साधारण/चक्रधन ब्याज
• गुणक
• लाभ-हानि
• प्रतिशत
• गुणक
• आर्थिक नियम
• सामान्य बीजगणित
• आयतन
• अनुपात
• लघुगणक
• सामान्य ज्यामिति
• सामान्य सांख्यिकी
• Numerical Ability
• Mathematical Operations
• Decimal
• Differentiation
• Simple/Compound Interest
• Factoring
• Profit-Loss
• Percentage
• Factoring
• Economic Rules
• General Algebra
• Area Average
• Volume
• Ratio
• Logarithm
• General Geometry
• General Statistics

UP Super TET Syllabus 2023 : Environment & Social Studies (पर्यावरण और सामाजिक अध्ययन )

• पृथ्वी का संरचना
• नदियाँ
• पर्वत
• महाद्वीप
• समुद्र और प्राणिजीव
• प्राकृतिक संपदा
• अक्षांश और दशमलव
• सौरमंडल
• भारतीय भूगोल
• भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम
• भारतीय समाज सुधारक
• भारतीय संविधान
• हमारा शासन प्रणाली
• संशोधन
• यातायात और सड़क सुरक्षा
• भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था और चुनौतियाँ
• Earth’s Structure
• Rivers
• Mountains
• Continents
• Oceans and Fauna
• Natural Wealth
• Latitude and Longitude
• Solar System
• Indian Geography
• Indian Freedom Struggle
• Indian Social Reformers
• Indian Constitution
• Our Governance System
• Amendments
• Traffic and Road Safety
• Indian Economy and Challenges

UP Super TET Syllabus 2023 : Teaching Skill

• शिक्षण पद्धतियाँ और कौशल
• शिक्षण के सिद्धांत
• वर्तमान भारतीय समाज और प्राथमिक शिक्षा
• समावेशी परीक्षा
• प्राथमिक शिक्षा के लिए नई पहल
• शैक्षिक मूल्यांकन और मापन
• प्रारंभिक गुणवत्ता कौशल
• शिक्षा केंद्रित और प्रशासन
• नई शिक्षा नीति 2020
• शिक्षा आयोग
• Teaching Methods and Skills
• Principles of Learning
• Current Indian Society and Elementary Education
• Inclusive Exams
• New Initiatives for Elementary Education
• Educational Evaluation and Measurement
• Initial Formation Skills
• Educational Focus and Administration
• New Education Policy 2020
• Education Commissions

UP Super TET Syllabus 2023 : Child Psychology

• Personal Variation
• Factors Affecting Child Development
• Identification of Learning Needs
• Creating Environments for Reading
• Theories of Learning and Their Practical Utility in Classroom Teaching
• Special Arrangements for the Lamp Belt (assuming “lamp belt” refers to any specific educational or safety equipment)

UP SUPER TET SYLLABUS 2023: General Knowledge

• Important Current Occupations
• Current Affairs
• International & National Events
• Important Events Related to the State
• Location Personality Compositions
• International and National Awards in Sports
• Culture and Art

UP Super TET Syllabus 2023 :Logical Reasoning

• समाकरण
• वायुयान और क्षेत्र
• बाइनरी तर्क
• वर्गीकरण
• ब्लॉक और कैलेंडर
• कोडेड असमता
• कोडिंग-डिकोडिंग
• महत्वपूर्ण तर्क
• क्यूब नंबर श्रृंग
• पहेलियाँ
• प्रतीक और संकेत
• वेन डायग्राम और पासा
• डेटा विवरण
• दिशा ज्ञान परीक्षण और पत्र श्रृंग
• Analogies
• Aeration and Region
• Binary Logic
• Classification
• Block and Calendars
• Coded Inequalities
• Coding-Decoding
• Critical Reasoning
• Cube Number Series
• Puzzles
• Symbol and Notations
• Venn Diagram and Dice
• Data Interpretations
• Direction Sense Test & Letter Series

UP Super TET Syllabus 2023: information technology

• Teaching Skills and Techniques
• Art of Teaching and School Management
• Technical Proficiency in Computers
• Internet and Smartphone Integration in Education
• Effective Applications for Digital Teaching
• Teaching Materials and Resources

UP Super TET Syllabus 2023 : life skill / Management and Aptitud

• Teaching Skills and Techniques
• Art of Teaching and School Management
• Technical Proficiency in Computers
• Internet and Smartphone Integration in Education
• Effective Applications for Digital Teaching
• Teaching Materials and Resources

Mastering Super TET: Examining Past Year Question Papers

  1. Super TET Previous Year Question Papers are a valuable resource for exam preparation.
  2. They offer insights into question types, difficulty levels, and question patterns.
  3. Analyzing these papers helps identify important topics for the Super TET Exam.
  4. Repeatedly asked topics in past papers are likely to be relevant in the upcoming exam.
  5. Below are the PDF download links for Super TET Previous Year Question Papers


The following links contain the year-wise question papers.The candidates can download the PDF using these.

YearsDownload Link
 UP SUPER TET PAPER-2018Download  here
UP SUPER TET PAPER-2019Download here

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