KVS PRT Recruitment 2023: Exciting News! KVS Unveils Revised Qualification Criteria for Primary Teacher Roles. Discover the Updated Qualification Standards, Result Date, and More Right Here

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has amended the qualifications for KVS Recruitment of Primary Teachers in connection with the KVS PRT Recruitment 2023. Those who have applied for and participated in the KVS PRT exam may verify these revised qualifications.
KVS PRT Qualification Update Link
“In this article, candidates can access the link to uncover the latest adjustments to qualification requirements. To access this valuable information, candidates simply need to log in with their application number and password.”
Official KVS PRT login
Latest News about KVS PRT Result and Qualification
Download Official Notification
F. 11053/1/2022-KVS(HQ)
Dated 12.9.2023
Reference is made to Advt No. 16/2022 of KVS for filling up the post of PRTs wherein it was mentioned that B.Ed candidates can also apply and go through the selection process but their inclusion in the merit list for interview will be subject to the outcome of the SLP in the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal NO. 5068 OF 2023 (Arising of SLP (C) No.20743 OF 2021) in the matter of Devesh Sharma with other Civil Appeals in its judgment dated 11.08.2023 has quashed and set aside notification dated 28.06.2018 issued by NCTE and therefore candidates having qualification of B.Ed are not eligible for the post of Primary Teacher.
Consequent to the above, numerous representations have been received from the candidates to consider their qualification of two year Diploma stating that they have both the qualification of Diploma and B.Ed but have filled the qualification of B.Ed in the online application form.
The competent authority has considered such representations and has allowed for the opening of online window for updation of the qualification only. It may also be noted that in any circumstances, no updation in any other field in the online application form will be considered.
The window will be made operational from 13.09.2023 (09.00 am) to 17.09.2023 (00.59 hrs) through a login into the designated recruitment portal. It may be noted that the updated qualification in the online portal must have acquired on or before 26.12.2022 i.e the cut off date as already mentioned in the Advt No. 16/2022
The results for the Primary Teacher Posts will be officially declared in due time. A great number of applicants who attempted the KVS PRT written exam are currently awaiting their KVS PRT result. According to reports from media outlets, it is likely that the results of KVS PRT will be released by the end of this month.
The result got delayed due to a case in theHon’ble Supreme Court regarding the eligibility ofB.Ed pass applicants in PRT examination. Now the Supreme Court’s decision has come in favour ofD.Ed pass applicants, in whichB.Ed applicants haven’t been allowed in primary schoolteacher( PRT) reclamation. Hence, KVS has made some rectifications in the reclamation of the PRTs.